◦Is over five pounds now, although these weight guesstimates will start getting very useless very quickly over the next few weeks.
◦Since most of your baby’s organs are fully functional and major developmental milestones behind him or her, the next month is all about weight gain. And since “normal” weights for newborns these days can be anything between six and 10 pounds, it’s hard to predict how big YOUR baby will be from here on in.
Total weight gain: I actually lost 3 lbs according to the scale at my drs. office on Monday....not sure how that has happened...but ok. Total gain 24lbs.
Maternity clothes? very definitely
Sleep: yes....I would enjoy more of it though
Best moment this week: This moment right now laying on my couch with a 3 year old cuddling on me. Or maybe it was yesterday on the car ride home when she sang me the donkey song :)
Stretch Marks: same ole, same ole
Movement: Yep, still way more than I ever had with Emily.
Food Cravings/Aversions: ice cream...ninja loves ice cream! Fortunately the girls at work humor me so I get it a lot at lunch time :)
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? still in--but I'm not sure it's going to stay there
What I miss: a good night's sleep
Weekly Wisdom: Things may not always go as planned, but there is always a silver lining.
Milestones:35/35 today! 35 weeks and 35 days left :)
And in other news--some new belly pics!

I think I've officially had to retire the Ninja in Training shirt. I had several requests back when we announced the gender to see the Girl Ninja shirt in action, so I figured this would be a good shirt to move to!