I could have sworn I updated after my 36w appt...but apparently I didn't so I have a lot to catch up on!
Today is 38w3d
Your Baby:
◦Is officially a little chunkin, at well over six pounds and 19 1/2 inches long.
◦Is also officially considered “full term.” In other words, he or she is STRAIGHT UP FREELOADING from here on out.
◦Is practicing making fists and fetal breathing in anticipation of life outside the womb.(www.alphamom.com)
She is the size of a watermelon...yes watermelon!
weight gain:I've been holding steady my last 3 appts at 27lb gain...and since it's safe to assume baby is growing, that must mean mommy is shrinking :)
Maternity clothes? sadly I am starting to outgrow some of them....although I have found a new love in Chuck's t-shirts!
Sleep: still not too bad, other than the fact that I go to bed at the same time as Em and wake up at least twice a night to pee.
Best moment this week: Chuck coming home from Nashville so he is now in the locale and we can have baby!
Stretch Marks: same ole, same ole
Movement: Yep, she did give us a couple of scares last week when she was being lazy, but has definitely picked up again
Food Cravings/Aversions: ice cream...ninja loves ice cream! Fortunately the girls at work humor me so I get it a lot at lunch time and chocolate milk...luckily Chuck likes to make it for me :)
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? not really either--it's kind of flush with my stomach at this point
What I miss: being able to move easily--it seems to be getting more and more difficult
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every minute, because it is going to be over before we know it!
Milestones:almost down to single digits...and I think everything is ready enough that we could bring baby home without stressing
Other updates-
At my 36w appt. my midwife had to do the group b strep test which involves a swab "down there" so since I was already naked she went ahead and did an internal check. I was 1 cm and 70% effaced at that point. We didn't do a check last week, so I am hoping for one tomorrow to see if anything is happening.
I was unable to stop working as planned---my district won't allow me to use sick days unless I have a medical excuse and my dr can't give me a medical excuse if they don't have one. My midwife has been very apologetic my last 2 appts when she tells me everything looks great. As much as I would love to stop working, I would much rather have a healthy uncomplicated pregnancy and have to keep working than stop because something is wrong.
With that being said, I would be more than happy for Ninja to make her appearance at any time so I can stop working!
Next appt. tomorrow...hopefully I will have something exciting to report!