Sunday, June 27, 2010

Appt. update and the beginning of shots!

I had my pre-op u/s and appt on Friday morning before leaving to help Mar move to St. Louis. The u/s went well, nothing exciting or unusual, which is exactly what we wanted to see. Then I met with Nurse Wendy to go over the pre-op stuff. Again, nothing exciting. On Friday I was to start estrace 3 times a day...every 8 hours so 7, 3, and 11. On Saturday we had the progesterone in oil once a day at 9 p.m. So my day now revolves around which med is coming up and how soon. Since we were in St. Louis Sat. Martha got to be the lucky one to give me my first shot....her comment "wow, that's a big needle!" Yep and you get to stick it in me :) She did a wonderful job though. Sunday Chuck is back on shot duty. Hopefully for the next 12 weeks or so if everything goes as planned.
After the appt. on Friday Iowa City took our 6 embies out of the freezer and began the thaw process. They were frozen at day 0 so they will thaw them and then allow them to grow until day 5 when we will transfer them. I am to call on Tuesday to get a report as to how they are doing and find out what time the transfer will be on Thursday. Right now our prayers are for an uneventful thaw and 6 fabulous embies multiplying in those little petri dishes. This is probably the most nervewracking portion of the process for me so far. I hate not knowing how they are doing....
That is all for now....we wait and see. I will update again Tuesday after I talk to Iowa City!

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