Tuesday, October 26, 2010

9w appt.

We had our 9w appt with the midwife yesterday, it was our 1st appt with her, so Chuck came with to meet her. It really was a simple, quick appt. Saw the nurse first, did the customary pee in a cup, blood pressure and weight check. The midwife J came in. She is wonderful! I think we are really going to enjoy working with her! She has a daughter just a few weeks older than Em, so we shared some 2 year old stories while getting acquainted. She then went through our medical history, said everything sounded great and then my favorite part.....checking for the heartbeat :) I was worried they wouldn't attempt, since before 10w it can be hit or miss, but she said she always makes the attempt. Lucky for us, we found it very quickly...170s. It sounded great and I'm pretty sure I could have listened to it all day long! Next appt in 4 weeks (Nov. 22nd). Hopefully nothing exciting between now and then!

1 comment:

SarahBeth said...

Oh honey!!
That's so exciting! Glad to hear that things went well - and that baby is doing well!
::: grow baby, grow :::