Sunday, March 13, 2011

Almost single digits!

In weeks that is. This Thursday will mark 30 weeks which means after that we have single digit weeks left :)
Right now I am officially 29w 3d. Here is what is happening....

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel.

Your Baby:
◦Is big and strong enough to resemble a sinister alien thrashing around your abdomen, as my husband kindly pointed out recently, upon noticing a rouge pointy elbow jabbing up and down around my belly button.
◦Is sucking up every drop of calcium you can provide as his or her bones continue to harden and become more…uh…bone-like.

◦Might start noticing a resurgence of first-trimester-type symptoms like heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues. Things are getting a BIT crowded in there, and the lack of room means slower digestion and more gas and constipation and woe.
◦Are gaining weight. I don’t know or care to look up what the “recommended” amount is at this stage, but most likely you are starting to notice a steady upward movement of that little thingie on your doctor’s scale. If you’ve been using pregnancy as a dietary sweet tooth free-for-all, now might be a good time to start reining it in and focusing on healthy foods and portions instead of “BABY NEEDS CAKE AND A TUB OF FROSTING ON THE SIDE.”
(from alpha-mom and babycenter)

How far along? 29weeks 3days
Total weight gain: at my last drs. appt I was up 20lbs total.
Maternity clothes? For the most part. I still have some tops I can wear, but the pickings are getting slimmer and slimmer. I think it's time to do some spring shopping very soon!
Sleep: Not too bad...not great.
Best moment this week: Spending the weekend with girl friends getting rejuvinated and spiritually filled.
Stretch Marks: Nothing that looks too bad
Movement: All the time! I told the midwife that it feels like there has to be at least 3 in there with as quickly as she can poke and prod all over my stomach!
Food Cravings/Aversions: cereal--if I could eat cereal 3 times a day I would be a happy girl!
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? still in--but I'm not sure it's going to stay there
What I miss: sleeping all night long
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every moment
Milestones: Passed the gestational diabetes test! Failed the iron test. 2 week appts are in full hopefully that means more updates...but no promises!

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