Monday, April 4, 2011


Another boring update--sorry for no excitement, but I'm thinking that is probably a good thing.
Highlights from today's midwife appt.
** Apparently my belly is measuring ahead of schedule as it was last appt. She said if it is again next appt they will send me for an u/s to check baby's size. She said baby doesn't feel abnormally large, so it could just be the position she is in is making me measure larger. As much as I'd love another u/s, I really don't want to try and birth a large baby!
**I asked about getting written out of work before my due date, she said they will write me out any time after 36 weeks..all I have to do is tell them when :) Right now I have 2 goals..the 1st is May 6th--because that is my student teacher's last day, and it just doesn't seem nice to abandon here. My 2nd goal is May 13th, to have a week to transition my kids from student teacher to long term sub. At this point I am pretty comfortable going out at that point..we'll see how I feel in a few weeks!

Baby update--
◦Is about three pounds, 11 ounces and 16 inches long.
◦Is starting to get pretty crowded in there, so you may feel more subtle, rolling-type movements instead of sharp pointy kicks.
*This is also my favorite baby center is a jicama :)

Total weight gain: do I really need to continue reporting this?? I think I will take a pass this week.
Maternity clothes? very definitely
Sleep: not nearly enough...last night I think I was awake more than I was asleep!
Best moment this week: I went to the fitness center and walked 2 miles--it was nice to see I was still capable of it..even if my time left something to be desired
Stretch Marks: same ole, same ole
Movement: When she wants to...I think she is already working on messing with mommy!
Food Cravings/Aversions: fact I'm thinking about getting some right now!
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? still in--but I'm not sure it's going to stay there
What I miss: having energy
Weekly Wisdom: 7 weeks is so long....yet so short at the same time!
Milestones: hmmm...not sure on this one...maybe something will come to me??

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