Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Thaw report

The thaw report and transfer time are in. Of the 6 frozen embies, all 6 survived the thaw!! This is awesome news....unfortunately that is all we know. We get an automated message, so we don't get to ask questions, just what they record for us. I am assuming that the 6 are still growing at this point or they would have said otherwise in the message, but don't know that for sure. Our transfer is scheduled for 11 a.m. Thursday, we are to report at 10:30. We will get our final fert report at that point, so until then we just pray that our 6 lil embies are growing and multiplying into nice "big" blastys!
As always prayers are appreciated!


Chuck, Sarah and Emily said...


Anonymous said...

YAY! That is a good report. We will keep praying for a smooth transfer and a successful ending. Remember - feet up and lots of rest after it!