1st a technical note--I've been informed that some people are having issues commenting on here, I'm not sure why and am going to see if Chuck can fix it for me. If you could please try to comment, so I can figure out if it's not working at all or just a problem for one person...
2nd-God's plan....
We are in the midst of VBS this week and have been singing every day with the kids. One of the songs hit me like a ton of bricks today though, it is a song similar to one I've sung hundreds of time, but today it clicked, particularly these words-
"Today is the day, God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.I won't worry about tomorrow, I'm trusting in what you say."
As we were signing them for the 1st time I immediately got choked up and had to stop because I realized how important those words were for me right now!
I suppose knowing that tomorrow is the day we find out how our embies are doing and have at least 1 put in makes it that much more applicable, but I thought how true this is all the time and how much energy and time I spend worrying about tomorrow, when I know that God has it all under control. Definitely what I needed to hear today!
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