So my dreams of sleeping in today were dashed, instead I was off for b/w and u/s at 6:45 this morning. First stop, the lab for another arm poke. Fortunately they weren't busy and I was in and out in no time.
Then on to the drs. office for u/s and pre-op appt. Dana (the u/s tech) pulled in the parking lot right behind me so we got started a little early. She said my lining looked beautiful and my ovaries were full of follicles! Hence the uncomfortableness I've had the last few days! I think at final count there were 18 that she measured, 10 of them were over 10mm and 7 were between 13-16. We want them to be 18-20ish for retrieval so we are right on track for a great retrieval I think!
Did a quick pre-op with Nurse Wendy (blood pressure, weight, temp) and then was on my way.
A few hours later Wendy called with my estrogen, now up to 1521 (increasingly nicely, I think). I don't have anything to compare it to because for whatever reason I quit recording my levels with Em at this point. We are upping the follistim to 250 again tonight and tomorrow, staying with 2 vials of repronex, and back into the office early Monday morning for another check. At that point we will determine whether I will trigger Mon. or Tues. night, for retrieval Weds. or Thurs.
So--things still looking good-we hope next week continues to bring us good news :)
1 comment:
So thankful for continued good news!! Keep growing little follies!
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