The embrylogist comes in and gives us the best news we could have asked for! Of our 6 embies, 1 of them was an excellent grade expanded blast (right where they want it to be)-which was the one we would transfer, 1 was an excellent grade blast, which they froze, 2 were a the morula stage and 2 were at the cleavage stage. Those 4 they will watch and decide to freeze if they make it to excellent or good blast.
Once we got the news I became giddy with excitement. I think the relief of good news, and the anticipation of what was happening put me over the edge. We ended up having to wait about 30 minutes for the dr. to come in and do the transfer, during which time we had some of the strangest conversations. I think we decided that the reason we had to wait so long was because they were listening to our conversations :)
Some examples of what we talked about--
Chuck as a song on his phone called "Everybody needs a ninja". It is annoyingly catchy and silly. He happened to play it while flipping through his play list, and I commented that if he played it while they did the transfer we might end up with a ninja blasty. He of course loved that idea, and is now calling our lil blasty ninja blasty with the hope that he/she comes out already ninja trained :)
While discussing what happens next with blasty I said that it would hatch out of it's shell and then attach to the uterus to begin the growing process. He then began imagining what tools it might have inside the shell to hatch out, beak, hammer, etc (I don't remember them all, but I'm sure Chuck could add them!) Creating the mental image of little blasty using this arsenal of tools to hatch out was really just too much for me in my already giddy and excited state!
I'm sure there were more strange and goofy conversations but those are the 2 I remember most distinctly.
After our random conversations, 2 drs. and the nurse come back in to do the transfer. This part really is pretty much a piece of cake, legs in stirrups, ultrasound on abdomen to watch the catheter to go in the uterus, practice catheter in, no problem, actual catheter in, blasty is "blasted" in and we are done. We lay for another 30 minutes and then are sent to get dressed and home. Blasty's 1st request in mommy's belly was chick-fil-a for lunch so we stopped at the mall, Chuck got lunch and then home for 2 days of couch time.
I am now 24 hours in to couch time with about 8 to go and bored out of my mind, but enjoying the relaxing, quiet time, hoping that blasty is doing the same.
Next step is to test--in a couple of weeks I will head to the lab for an early morning blood draw to find out if blasty stuck or not. Obviously our prayer is for a sticky blasty and a beautiful baby 9 1/2 months from now!
Huge thanks to everyone who has been praying for us and helping us get through these days. My school staff and the church staff has been wonderfully supportive of the time we need at home and helping us keep things organized and running smoothly.
Without further ado---meet Ninja blasty-

1 comment:
I couldn't be more thrilled to hear that everything went perfectly! It makes things so much easier when there's good news to enjoy.
Rest up & enjoy some quiet time! We are PRAYING!!
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