Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Best laid plans....

This week is the week of appts. and I thought I had it all figured out. Boy was I wrong!

I had my family dr. yearly appt yesterday--where I was planning on getting a pap and not a flu shot. I ended up with no pap and a flu shot!
She said she wanted to leave the pap for the ob because she wasn't sure what all they cultured for now, and didn't want me to have to have 2, which I much appreciated! I told her I was leaning towards waiting till 2nd tri for the flu shot, and she said it was perfectly safe to get it now, and that the protection in this flu shot is supposed to last a full year and not just 6 months, so the sooner I got it the better. When it came down to it, she said if it were her she would get it now, which convinced me to go ahead with it.

Today was my nurse visit at my ob--and I am super duper excited about how that worked out! I decided to switch ob's because I didn't love the majority of the nursing staff there. There was 1 nurse I loved (we actually went to h.s together) but she had gone on maternity leave a few months before Em was born and I didn't think she had come back. So I switched to a very highly recommended ob elsewhere. While he is very highly recommended I was still nervous that he wouldn't "work" for me, or that the nurses would be worse than office 1. Imagine my surprise when I walk in and the nurse I loved from my last practice is there!! We had a nice chat about why I switched ob's and why she left the other office...it sounded like it was very similar reasons, which made me feel really good about my decision! There is both an ob and a midwife there--we will see the midwife for the majority of our 1st and 2nd tri visits and then will alternate between the 2 so we are comfortable with both for delivery. Oh and she said I don't even have to get a pap because I have had more than 3 without any problems, so I can wait 2 more years before getting one! Glad I waited on that one!

Now we just have to get through the u/s at the RE on Friday and officially graduate!

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