Tuesday, July 6, 2010

symptoms or side effects??

Since I am on multiple meds it is very hard to know if the weirdness going on is from the meds or symptoms of early pregnancy, obviously hoping for symptoms, only time will tell.
Here's what I am feeling so far--
Extreme exhaustion--tired all the time!
Random queasiness but nothing major
Weird twinges and cramps in the uterus area
Peeing all the time, but that might be because I am thirsty all the time.

Here is what the internet says is happening right now-

Right now, your baby is an embryo consisting of a ball of cells that is rapidly multiplying and expanding. If you were to look at your baby through a magnifying glass you would see a group of cells that does not resemble a human form (at least not yet!). By this week, your baby is about the size of the head of a sewing pin, or about .006 inches long.

So hopefully our baby is growing bigger and bigger every day!
And we wait......

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