Thursday, July 1, 2010

Transfer complete...

It was a great day today for a transfer :) Chuck and I headed out at about 8:50 (only 20 min after we planned on), got Em dropped off at the sitter's and headed to Iowa City. We got there right at 10:30 and quickly found the "new" Center for Advanced Fertility. It's really probably not that new, but it's new to us. It is quite a nice facility.
We waited just a few minutes before being called back by our nurse. She was fabulous and great fun to spend a couple of hours with this morning. She got us checked in and changed into our scrubs and hospital gown and handed me 2 cups of water to get drank to have a partially full bladder. Shortly thereafter we were moved to the procedure room.
The embryologist came in to go over our embie pictures. All 6 were still fighting, 4 of them were at the cleavage stage (day3--so 2 days behind where they should be), 1 was a morulas (day 4) and 1 fair grade early blastocyst. We decided to transfer 2, the early blast and the morula since neither were of the greatest of quality. Then the dr and u/s tech came in, got everything set up and away we went. Several times during the transfer the dr. and u/s tech commented on how beautiful my uterus was--honestly not something I've been told often, but I'll take it if it gets us our baby. The transfer took about 15 min. and then 30 min of bedrest afterwards.
Then we were sent on our way. I am now enjoying my time on the couch for the night, hoping to get caught up on my reading for school since I'm not allowed to do much of anything else. Our next big step will be testing...which should start sometime next week, even though the official test isn't until the 12th.

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