Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fert Report and Transfer day!

Sorry I haven't posted sooner, as soon as school was out on Friday we loaded up and headed to Ohio for a weekend of fun with Jennifer, Mike, Martha and Nick. I called for the fert report shortly before leaving--we had 6 eggs successful fertilize with ICSI. I was somewhat dissapointed that it wasn't a higher number, but am confident those 6 eggs will have our rock star baby in there so it will all be good!
After a wonderfully relaxing weekend of wedding dress shopping and Renaissance Festival we made the long drive home yesterday. One of my favorite moments of the weekend....we made banana cake for several reasons, I had some bananas that needed something done with them, Chuck wanted cake, so we decided to make banana cake in honor of embies miracle day. Jennifer's comment after trying the cake...."if those embies are anything like that cake we are going to have one amazing little kiddo in 9 months!" So here is to hoping the cake is a sign of things to come :)
We are now getting ready to head back to Iowa City for our transfer at 10:45 this morning. Please be in prayer for safe travels, wonderfully growing blasts when we get there, and a safe and successful transfer!

1 comment:

SarahBeth said...

I'm so glad they had good news for you & you had a relaxing weekend! Yay!

Please know your in our prayers! Praying you get your baby today! Lots of love.