Monday, September 27, 2010


Apparently I've turned into a bad blogger (even worse than I used to be!). Here's a quick update on Ninja...our 2nd beta was drawn Monday the 20th and came back 976, which is more than doubled so we were done with blood draws :) Our next date to look forward to is Oct. 8th, which still seems like forever away, for our ultrasound! At that point we should see little Ninja's heartbeat and most likely be released from the RE.

As far as being released from the RE, that means I need an ob to go to. I think I have decided to switch ob's. I really liked the ob that I went to with Emily, but her nurses kind of rubbed me the wrong way sometimes, and since that is who mainly is taking care of you, that is an important relationship. I called my primary dr. to see who they would recommend and the girl that answered the phone very whole-heartedly recommended another ob who practices in the same building as my previous ob. She said many of the girls there have gone with him, and I know several other people who have used him and really like him. So I went ahead and put a call into his office. Of course they don't really know what to do with me, since I am under the care of an RE currently, I'm not a "normal" patient yet. We finally decided to go ahead and schedule my nurse intake visit for next week (the 5th) and from there we will schedule my next appt. probably a couple weeks after I am released from the RE. Hopefully I will enjoy this dr. and staff as much as others have!

In Ninja news--he/she is the size of an apple seed this week, which is ironic because we are studying apples at school :) So far I'm vacillating between symptoms and no symptoms depending on the moment. It's hard because a lot of the symptoms can also be blamed on the pio, so I don't know what to blame them on. My symptoms seem to be worse later in the day and before bed. I usually feel pretty good in the mornings. They are definitely much more intense at this point than I remember them being with Emily...hopefully that's not a sign of things to come!

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