Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final pregnancy update

I had intended to update yesterday after my drs. appt, but she gave us some fabulous news, that caused me not to have time to update. Before we get there, we have to recap Friday.
Thursday and Friday I had some changes, and some contractions and we weren't really sure what they meant, so after work I stopped in at L and D to make sure everything was ok. Nurse Betsy checked me in (another H.S. acquantance) and got me all hooked up to the monitors. H/B looked great, I was indeed having contractions, but nothing significant. They decided to do an amniosure test to make sure I wasn't leaking fluid, and while she was at it she figured she would check me again. I was 2cm and 80% effaced, so progress had been made since last time. Amniosure came back negative so I was sent home. As I was leaving she told me she would be shocked if I made it to my due date.
Sat. we went to the fitness center and I walked 2 miles on the treadmill, then we took Em to the zoo and walked some more. By the time we got home that afternoon I was wiped out...but no sign of baby.
Monday morning I had an appt with Jen the midwife. I saw Laura first and as we were chatting she asked me how I felt about induction. I told her I was all for it, but figured that was all the farther we would get. Jen came in and did an internal, said I was just about a 3 and stripped my membranes. She then said, "well I don't think I can do it tomorrow, but how does Weds. look for having a baby?". I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor! Never in a million years was I expecting that. I of course quickly agreed and she went to call the hospital. So...we are on the schedule for 6 a.m. tomorrow morning to start the lovely pitocin drip! I went in to work today to try and get things finished up, I of course didn't get it all done, but got a good chunk of it done. Tonight will be spent trying to get the house in order and cuddling with Em as her last night as an only child! Tomorrow we will be a family of 4!!

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