Thursday, May 26, 2011

The rest of the story....

Things got busy after my last post yesterday, and I didn't have a chance to do anymore updates so here is the rest of the story.

11 a.m. Starting to get uncomfortable, the nurse offers up the whirlpool tub. I never had the option of this with Emily, so I figured I would give it a go. I hang out in there for about 45 min. while Chuck goes to get lunch and decide it's probably about time to put in my request for an epidural before things get really uncomfortable.

12 p.m. I get out of the whirlpool tub and the nurses check me before anesthesia comes. I'm up to a 7 and "baby is right there". This was very exciting since it was after dinner time before I made it this far with Emily. Anesthesia comes in shortly thereafter, and the contractions are definitely starting to get unbearable. He gets all set up, gets it in and relief. Almost...for some reason there was a pocket on my right hip that didn't take and I'm pretty sure every ounce of pain radiated to that spot. Fortunately I was able to move around enough that we managed to get the drug to take there after about an hour.

1ish (I don't remember exact times anymore) The nurses come in and ask if I am feeling any pressure or urge to push. Nope...nothing at all. Baby's heart rate is decelling with each contraction so they are pretty sure I'm getting close. They check me again and I was completely dialated but still no urge to push. They decide to let me labor down for a while to see if the urge comes, and put a call in to Jen the midwife to let her know we are ready.
Jen comes over and we start pushing about 1:45ish. Of course at this point contractions slow down, so we probably spent more time waiting in between contractions than actually pushing.
The last two contractions we were very close to delivering, I had done my 3 pushes and the midwife encourages me to get one more in before the contraction I start to push again and the nurse says something (sadly I don't remember what) that makes me laugh. So then they decide that I will just laugh the baby out. Next contraction that is pretty much how it went...easy the epidural :)

2:27 (or 2:28 depending on which nurse you ask) Ninja became Payton Charlotte.
Weight 7lbs 14 oz.
Height 21 inches
Full Head of black hair

I will put pics up later when I can get the good ones from Chuck's camera.

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