We reported bright and early to the hospital, so early in fact that the receptionist wasn't there yet. They have a phone in the lobby that tells you what to dial if no one is there yet, I tried 4 times and it was busy! Fortunately the nurse came out and found us pretty quickly. We had another fabulous nurse today, she even remembered us from when we were there for Emily, which I was very impressed with! She took us back, did vitals, changed clothes and got forms signed. Then anesthesia came in and did her spiel and put in an iv. It didn't hurt going in, but she said she had to go through the vein and back again (??) not sure what that means, but she said it would leave an ugly bruise, and it definitely is! Then Dr. Ryan came in (also the dr. who did Emily's retrieval) went over our consents again, and we were off. I love how quickly they get things done there, we were there at 7 and I'm pretty sure I was in the OR by 7:30. Once in the OR they got me situated, injected the wonderful drug into my IV, the room started spinning and I was out. Next thing I remember was waking up in my room again 45 min. later.
I don't think I was too goofy this time, I do remember asking Chuck the same questions many times, even though I knew I had already asked them, but I couldn't remember the answer he had given. The nurse got me some sprite and crackers and took vitals every 15 minutes. An hour later they had me get up and go to the bathroom, and then we were on our way.
We stopped at IHOP on the way out of town because I was starving and then back home. I took a quick nap and am now resting on the couch for the rest of the day :)
Now for the numbers.....
1st Emily's cycle-19 retrieved, 15 mature, 13 fertilized with ICSI
This cycle-15 retrieved, 12 mature, still hoping and praying for a good fert report :)
We will call tomorrow to find out how many fertilized and if it will be a 3 or 5 day transfer. Please pray for our lil embies that are hanging out in petri dishes in the lab tonight that they can grow and multiple!
I have been praying ALL day! And will continue to do so! I'm thrilled to hear that everything went well. In the coming days I will be praying for those embies...and your sanity! Rest up girl!
What great numbers to start with! Definitely lifting you up in prayer as well as for those little ones to keep growing. I agree with Sarah Beth to keep resting.
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