Monday, July 18, 2011

New blog!

Since Payton' birthday there has been lots of craziness in the Hilman there is lots to blog about! That post will be coming later though....this one is just to announce the new blog I decided after P was born that it would make more sense to combine Emily and Payton's blog into one, since most of our adventures would be done together, and sadly it has only taken me 7weeks to figure out how to make that happen! Well here it is...and the next post..hopefully soon...will have everything that has kept me from figuring that out :) via pictures...lots and lots of pictures!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


The rest of the story....

Things got busy after my last post yesterday, and I didn't have a chance to do anymore updates so here is the rest of the story.

11 a.m. Starting to get uncomfortable, the nurse offers up the whirlpool tub. I never had the option of this with Emily, so I figured I would give it a go. I hang out in there for about 45 min. while Chuck goes to get lunch and decide it's probably about time to put in my request for an epidural before things get really uncomfortable.

12 p.m. I get out of the whirlpool tub and the nurses check me before anesthesia comes. I'm up to a 7 and "baby is right there". This was very exciting since it was after dinner time before I made it this far with Emily. Anesthesia comes in shortly thereafter, and the contractions are definitely starting to get unbearable. He gets all set up, gets it in and relief. Almost...for some reason there was a pocket on my right hip that didn't take and I'm pretty sure every ounce of pain radiated to that spot. Fortunately I was able to move around enough that we managed to get the drug to take there after about an hour.

1ish (I don't remember exact times anymore) The nurses come in and ask if I am feeling any pressure or urge to push. Nope...nothing at all. Baby's heart rate is decelling with each contraction so they are pretty sure I'm getting close. They check me again and I was completely dialated but still no urge to push. They decide to let me labor down for a while to see if the urge comes, and put a call in to Jen the midwife to let her know we are ready.
Jen comes over and we start pushing about 1:45ish. Of course at this point contractions slow down, so we probably spent more time waiting in between contractions than actually pushing.
The last two contractions we were very close to delivering, I had done my 3 pushes and the midwife encourages me to get one more in before the contraction I start to push again and the nurse says something (sadly I don't remember what) that makes me laugh. So then they decide that I will just laugh the baby out. Next contraction that is pretty much how it went...easy the epidural :)

2:27 (or 2:28 depending on which nurse you ask) Ninja became Payton Charlotte.
Weight 7lbs 14 oz.
Height 21 inches
Full Head of black hair

I will put pics up later when I can get the good ones from Chuck's camera.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Baby day!

It's baby day :)
I'm going to try and keep a running record of baby day...more for me...and someday for Ninja to look back on. But feel free to follow along!

4:45 a.m. woke up to take a shower and finish getting ready

5:00 a.m. got out of the shower and realized the thunderstorm had woken Emily up and she was cuddling with Chuck on the couch. I was sad that she was up so early, knowing what that means for her day...but secretely a little happy that I would get to see her before I left.

5:45 a.m. Left the house to head to the hospital.

6:10 a.m. Arrived at the hospital and started the check in process. The nurse said they were short staffed until the 7 a.m. shift arrived and they were missing a paper from my dr. so it might be a little while before they get things going.

7:15 a.m. Lab comes in to draw lots of vials of blood. Shortly thereafter nurse Jess comes in to get things going. Starts the IV for fluids and then her and the other nurse do internals to compare notes. Jess says 3, Rosalinda says 4....I like Rosalinda's thoughts better :)

8 a.m. Start pitocin at "2". Will up it every 30 minutes, until I have 5 good contractions in 10 min.

8:45 a.m. Pit is up to "4". Midwife just came in and broke water. Starting to feel contractions a little more painfully...but nothing horrid yet. Said I am definitely a 4. Debating how long to go on before I get the epidural...since I know what is coming, I'm guessing I'll go with it a little earlier than last time, but we'll see.

10:10 a.m. -Pit is up to "10". Contractions have definitely gone from annoying to painful, but nothing I can't handle yet. Contractions are about 3 every 10 min. They want it up to 5 before they quit upping the pitocin.

And we wait!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final pregnancy update

I had intended to update yesterday after my drs. appt, but she gave us some fabulous news, that caused me not to have time to update. Before we get there, we have to recap Friday.
Thursday and Friday I had some changes, and some contractions and we weren't really sure what they meant, so after work I stopped in at L and D to make sure everything was ok. Nurse Betsy checked me in (another H.S. acquantance) and got me all hooked up to the monitors. H/B looked great, I was indeed having contractions, but nothing significant. They decided to do an amniosure test to make sure I wasn't leaking fluid, and while she was at it she figured she would check me again. I was 2cm and 80% effaced, so progress had been made since last time. Amniosure came back negative so I was sent home. As I was leaving she told me she would be shocked if I made it to my due date.
Sat. we went to the fitness center and I walked 2 miles on the treadmill, then we took Em to the zoo and walked some more. By the time we got home that afternoon I was wiped out...but no sign of baby.
Monday morning I had an appt with Jen the midwife. I saw Laura first and as we were chatting she asked me how I felt about induction. I told her I was all for it, but figured that was all the farther we would get. Jen came in and did an internal, said I was just about a 3 and stripped my membranes. She then said, "well I don't think I can do it tomorrow, but how does Weds. look for having a baby?". I'm pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor! Never in a million years was I expecting that. I of course quickly agreed and she went to call the hospital. So...we are on the schedule for 6 a.m. tomorrow morning to start the lovely pitocin drip! I went in to work today to try and get things finished up, I of course didn't get it all done, but got a good chunk of it done. Tonight will be spent trying to get the house in order and cuddling with Em as her last night as an only child! Tomorrow we will be a family of 4!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

wow...long time

I could have sworn I updated after my 36w appt...but apparently I didn't so I have a lot to catch up on!

Today is 38w3d
Your Baby:
◦Is officially a little chunkin, at well over six pounds and 19 1/2 inches long.
◦Is also officially considered “full term.” In other words, he or she is STRAIGHT UP FREELOADING from here on out.
◦Is practicing making fists and fetal breathing in anticipation of life outside the womb.(
She is the size of a watermelon...yes watermelon!

weight gain:I've been holding steady my last 3 appts at 27lb gain...and since it's safe to assume baby is growing, that must mean mommy is shrinking :)
Maternity clothes? sadly I am starting to outgrow some of them....although I have found a new love in Chuck's t-shirts!
Sleep: still not too bad, other than the fact that I go to bed at the same time as Em and wake up at least twice a night to pee.
Best moment this week: Chuck coming home from Nashville so he is now in the locale and we can have baby!
Stretch Marks: same ole, same ole
Movement: Yep, she did give us a couple of scares last week when she was being lazy, but has definitely picked up again
Food Cravings/Aversions: ice loves ice cream! Fortunately the girls at work humor me so I get it a lot at lunch time and chocolate milk...luckily Chuck likes to make it for me :)
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? not really either--it's kind of flush with my stomach at this point
What I miss: being able to move easily--it seems to be getting more and more difficult
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every minute, because it is going to be over before we know it!
Milestones:almost down to single digits...and I think everything is ready enough that we could bring baby home without stressing

Other updates-
At my 36w appt. my midwife had to do the group b strep test which involves a swab "down there" so since I was already naked she went ahead and did an internal check. I was 1 cm and 70% effaced at that point. We didn't do a check last week, so I am hoping for one tomorrow to see if anything is happening.

I was unable to stop working as planned---my district won't allow me to use sick days unless I have a medical excuse and my dr can't give me a medical excuse if they don't have one. My midwife has been very apologetic my last 2 appts when she tells me everything looks great. As much as I would love to stop working, I would much rather have a healthy uncomplicated pregnancy and have to keep working than stop because something is wrong.

With that being said, I would be more than happy for Ninja to make her appearance at any time so I can stop working!

Next appt. tomorrow...hopefully I will have something exciting to report!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Baby update--
◦Is over five pounds now, although these weight guesstimates will start getting very useless very quickly over the next few weeks.
◦Since most of your baby’s organs are fully functional and major developmental milestones behind him or her, the next month is all about weight gain. And since “normal” weights for newborns these days can be anything between six and 10 pounds, it’s hard to predict how big YOUR baby will be from here on in.

Total weight gain: I actually lost 3 lbs according to the scale at my drs. office on Monday....not sure how that has happened...but ok. Total gain 24lbs.
Maternity clothes? very definitely
Sleep: yes....I would enjoy more of it though
Best moment this week: This moment right now laying on my couch with a 3 year old cuddling on me. Or maybe it was yesterday on the car ride home when she sang me the donkey song :)
Stretch Marks: same ole, same ole
Movement: Yep, still way more than I ever had with Emily.
Food Cravings/Aversions: ice loves ice cream! Fortunately the girls at work humor me so I get it a lot at lunch time :)
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? still in--but I'm not sure it's going to stay there
What I miss: a good night's sleep
Weekly Wisdom: Things may not always go as planned, but there is always a silver lining.
Milestones:35/35 today! 35 weeks and 35 days left :)

And in other news--some new belly pics!

I think I've officially had to retire the Ninja in Training shirt. I had several requests back when we announced the gender to see the Girl Ninja shirt in action, so I figured this would be a good shirt to move to!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Belly pics...

It has been a while since I've posted belly shots..and I happened to pull my ninja in training shirt out I figured I might as well do them. I am pretty sure today will be the last time I wear the ninja is definitely getting to be on the short side! So here it is---33w2d-

P.S. Ignore the mess on the floor--Em was in the room this morning, and we had company today, which means only the "company" rooms got cleaned! Maybe tomorrow!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Another boring update--sorry for no excitement, but I'm thinking that is probably a good thing.
Highlights from today's midwife appt.
** Apparently my belly is measuring ahead of schedule as it was last appt. She said if it is again next appt they will send me for an u/s to check baby's size. She said baby doesn't feel abnormally large, so it could just be the position she is in is making me measure larger. As much as I'd love another u/s, I really don't want to try and birth a large baby!
**I asked about getting written out of work before my due date, she said they will write me out any time after 36 weeks..all I have to do is tell them when :) Right now I have 2 goals..the 1st is May 6th--because that is my student teacher's last day, and it just doesn't seem nice to abandon here. My 2nd goal is May 13th, to have a week to transition my kids from student teacher to long term sub. At this point I am pretty comfortable going out at that point..we'll see how I feel in a few weeks!

Baby update--
◦Is about three pounds, 11 ounces and 16 inches long.
◦Is starting to get pretty crowded in there, so you may feel more subtle, rolling-type movements instead of sharp pointy kicks.
*This is also my favorite baby center is a jicama :)

Total weight gain: do I really need to continue reporting this?? I think I will take a pass this week.
Maternity clothes? very definitely
Sleep: not nearly enough...last night I think I was awake more than I was asleep!
Best moment this week: I went to the fitness center and walked 2 miles--it was nice to see I was still capable of it..even if my time left something to be desired
Stretch Marks: same ole, same ole
Movement: When she wants to...I think she is already working on messing with mommy!
Food Cravings/Aversions: fact I'm thinking about getting some right now!
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? still in--but I'm not sure it's going to stay there
What I miss: having energy
Weekly Wisdom: 7 weeks is so long....yet so short at the same time!
Milestones: hmmm...not sure on this one...maybe something will come to me??

Monday, March 21, 2011

Boring update :)

Your Baby:

◦Weighs about three pounds and is 17 inches long. Since most full-term babies are between 20 and 22 inches long at 40 weeks’ gestation, your baby will pack on more pounds than inches in the 10 weeks or so.
◦Is starting to get a little crowded in there, but still has room to wiggle and roll and punch and kick.
◦Despite all the movement, it’s still damn near impossible to tell what position your baby is in for sure (head down, breech, transverse, etc.), but it’s also still too early to be worrying about it. MOST babies settle into a head-down position around 36 weeks, and some still manage to flip themselves around after that.

Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now, and she weighs almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her, but that volume will decrease as she gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Her eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after she's born, she'll keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face. (Normal adult vision is 20/20.)

How far along? 30weeks 4days
Total weight gain: as of today 22 lbs total... I am very close to surpassing my weight gain with Emily...but am ok with it...hopefully it comes off easily!
Maternity clothes? Yes--and thanks to a wonderful friend I have oodles of spring tops now, so not nearly as much shopping will need to be done!
Sleep: Not too bad...not great...I've started having really weird dreams at night that I'm not really sure what to think about
Best moment this week: Watching Em at the big Sibling almost brought tears to my eyes watching her hold the baby doll and talk about her baby coming home.
Stretch Marks: same ole, same ole
Movement: All the time! I told the midwife that it feels like there has to be at least 3 in there with as quickly as she can poke and prod all over my stomach! I should probably regret posting this last week, cause since then, baby girl has been messing with me and giving me all sorts of lack of movements scares!
Food Cravings/Aversions: cereal--anything sweet...and oddly...chocolate milk...this is odd because I don't usually like milk at all!
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? still in--but I'm not sure it's going to stay there
What I miss: being able to move with ease, it's definitely getting more difficult.
Weekly Wisdom: It is going to be over before I know it!
Milestones: single digit week count down has begun :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Almost single digits!

In weeks that is. This Thursday will mark 30 weeks which means after that we have single digit weeks left :)
Right now I am officially 29w 3d. Here is what is happening....

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds (like a butternut squash) and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel.

Your Baby:
◦Is big and strong enough to resemble a sinister alien thrashing around your abdomen, as my husband kindly pointed out recently, upon noticing a rouge pointy elbow jabbing up and down around my belly button.
◦Is sucking up every drop of calcium you can provide as his or her bones continue to harden and become more…uh…bone-like.

◦Might start noticing a resurgence of first-trimester-type symptoms like heartburn and other gastrointestinal issues. Things are getting a BIT crowded in there, and the lack of room means slower digestion and more gas and constipation and woe.
◦Are gaining weight. I don’t know or care to look up what the “recommended” amount is at this stage, but most likely you are starting to notice a steady upward movement of that little thingie on your doctor’s scale. If you’ve been using pregnancy as a dietary sweet tooth free-for-all, now might be a good time to start reining it in and focusing on healthy foods and portions instead of “BABY NEEDS CAKE AND A TUB OF FROSTING ON THE SIDE.”
(from alpha-mom and babycenter)

How far along? 29weeks 3days
Total weight gain: at my last drs. appt I was up 20lbs total.
Maternity clothes? For the most part. I still have some tops I can wear, but the pickings are getting slimmer and slimmer. I think it's time to do some spring shopping very soon!
Sleep: Not too bad...not great.
Best moment this week: Spending the weekend with girl friends getting rejuvinated and spiritually filled.
Stretch Marks: Nothing that looks too bad
Movement: All the time! I told the midwife that it feels like there has to be at least 3 in there with as quickly as she can poke and prod all over my stomach!
Food Cravings/Aversions: cereal--if I could eat cereal 3 times a day I would be a happy girl!
Gender: girl
Belly Button in or out? still in--but I'm not sure it's going to stay there
What I miss: sleeping all night long
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy every moment
Milestones: Passed the gestational diabetes test! Failed the iron test. 2 week appts are in full hopefully that means more updates...but no promises!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Where does time go?

I continue to be a terrible blogger..and have not been able to keep up with my goal of blogging weekly. Now that my grad classes have started up, and Em's music class is going, we have very few nights that we are home! So..I will try to do better, but in the meantime, an update....with pictures!

26 weeks (actually 26weeks and 4 days...but who's counting)

◦Is almost two pounds. Celebrate this milestone with a two-pound box of chocolates. You know, in order to really get a good VISUAL. (also the length of a English hothouse cuccumber (not sure how that is different from a reg. cuccumber?)
◦Remember those early bubbly butterfly kicks? Yeah. Those have been replaced by something akin to a rabid mongoose flippin’ out inside a burlap sack.
◦If you DO occasionally feel smaller, rhythmic movements in your belly, it’s probably your baby hiccuping. Babies actually get hiccups from late in the first trimester on, but most women don’t pick on them the second trimester or later.
◦All five senses are fully developed (from

How far along? 26weeks 4days
Total weight gain: at my last drs. appt I was up 17lbs total.
Maternity clothes? For the most part. I still have some tops I can wear, but the pickings are getting slimmer and slimmer. I just pulled out the box of maternity clothes and discovered several shirts I had forgotten that excited me immensly, as I was getting very bored with the 10 or so tops I currently was cycling through.
Sleep: Not too bad...not great.
Best moment this week: Hanging out with the Kingma clan and getting to show off my baby bump to them since I don't see them often!
Stretch Marks: Nothing that looks too bad
Movement: All the time! Ninja is a wild child for sure! There are times when it feels like he/she is trying to push out of my stomach to the point that it hurts!
Food Cravings/Aversions: food in general...I'm hungry alot lately!
Gender: Keep reading....
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: oddly enough...I've been craving Subway and Arby's lately...
Weekly Wisdom: It will all get done....
Milestones: Since I last posted we have reached viability (24 weeks) and will venture into the 3rd trimester next week! Also looking forward to my last 4 week stretch between appts.

And now for pictures--1st--the gender reveal--we decided after finding out the gender we would wait to go public until Em's birthday party, so we could share it with everyone at the same time. We wanted a way to tell everyone, without taking the focus from Em's special day, and Chuck came up with the idea of t-shirts with a design that would indicate boy or girl ninja. He has a good friend that designed this image for was definitely a fun way to share with everyone!

2nd--a belly shot--I've been slacking on these as well--here I am today--hopefully I can work on getting some pictures of Em's pregnacy to use as a comparison.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lots of updates!

It's been a couple of weeks since I last there is a lot to report! First off--the update-
Week 21 (we are actually about 21 1/2 weeks, but we'll go with it)
Baby is about 10 1/2 inches long, head to toe. (about a banana)
Passes time by sucking his or her thumb and even opening and closing his or her eyes. And you know, elbowing you in the vital organs.
Is like, kicking for serious now, and the movements cannot only be felt from the outside, they can often be seen. (

How far along? 21weeks 4days
Total weight gain: at my drs. appt last week I was up 14lbs.
Maternity clothes? For the most part. I still have some tops I can wear, but the pickings are getting slimmer and slimmer.
Sleep: With the lovely cold Chuck and/or Emily shared with me, sleep is difficult, between not being able to breath and not getting comfy it is not enjoyable.
Best moment this week: Last Thursday's ultrasound
Stretch Marks: Nothing that looks too bad
Movement: Yep, pretty much every day now, Ninja is much more of a mover than I ever remember Em being!
Food Cravings/Aversions: food in general...I'm hungry alot lately!
Gender: Known...but not sharing yet!
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: sleep
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy the small things!
Milestones: Our big u/s was Thursday...that was definitely a biggie!

And now for some pictures! My 20 week belly pics..I figure I will continue to take belly pics in the Ninja shirt until it's not possible anymore, for comparison purposes. Then...some ultrasound pictures of ninja, the profile shot and arms.