Week 21 (we are actually about 21 1/2 weeks, but we'll go with it)
Baby is about 10 1/2 inches long, head to toe. (about a banana)
Passes time by sucking his or her thumb and even opening and closing his or her eyes. And you know, elbowing you in the vital organs.
Is like, kicking for serious now, and the movements cannot only be felt from the outside, they can often be seen. (alphamom.com)
How far along? 21weeks 4days
Total weight gain: at my drs. appt last week I was up 14lbs.
Maternity clothes? For the most part. I still have some tops I can wear, but the pickings are getting slimmer and slimmer.
Sleep: With the lovely cold Chuck and/or Emily shared with me, sleep is difficult, between not being able to breath and not getting comfy it is not enjoyable.
Best moment this week: Last Thursday's ultrasound
Stretch Marks: Nothing that looks too bad
Movement: Yep, pretty much every day now, Ninja is much more of a mover than I ever remember Em being!
Food Cravings/Aversions: food in general...I'm hungry alot lately!
Gender: Known...but not sharing yet!
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: sleep
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy the small things!
Milestones: Our big u/s was Thursday...that was definitely a biggie!
And now for some pictures! My 20 week belly pics..I figure I will continue to take belly pics in the Ninja shirt until it's not possible anymore, for comparison purposes. Then...some ultrasound pictures of ninja, the profile shot and arms.

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