26 weeks (actually 26weeks and 4 days...but who's counting)
◦Is almost two pounds. Celebrate this milestone with a two-pound box of chocolates. You know, in order to really get a good VISUAL. (also the length of a English hothouse cuccumber (not sure how that is different from a reg. cuccumber?)
◦Remember those early bubbly butterfly kicks? Yeah. Those have been replaced by something akin to a rabid mongoose flippin’ out inside a burlap sack.
◦If you DO occasionally feel smaller, rhythmic movements in your belly, it’s probably your baby hiccuping. Babies actually get hiccups from late in the first trimester on, but most women don’t pick on them the second trimester or later.
◦All five senses are fully developed (from alpha-mom.com)
How far along? 26weeks 4days
Total weight gain: at my last drs. appt I was up 17lbs total.
Maternity clothes? For the most part. I still have some tops I can wear, but the pickings are getting slimmer and slimmer. I just pulled out the box of maternity clothes and discovered several shirts I had forgotten about..so that excited me immensly, as I was getting very bored with the 10 or so tops I currently was cycling through.
Sleep: Not too bad...not great.
Best moment this week: Hanging out with the Kingma clan and getting to show off my baby bump to them since I don't see them often!
Stretch Marks: Nothing that looks too bad
Movement: All the time! Ninja is a wild child for sure! There are times when it feels like he/she is trying to push out of my stomach to the point that it hurts!
Food Cravings/Aversions: food in general...I'm hungry alot lately!
Gender: Keep reading....
Belly Button in or out? still in
What I miss: oddly enough...I've been craving Subway and Arby's lately...
Weekly Wisdom: It will all get done....
Milestones: Since I last posted we have reached viability (24 weeks) and will venture into the 3rd trimester next week! Also looking forward to my last 4 week stretch between appts.
And now for pictures--1st--the gender reveal--we decided after finding out the gender we would wait to go public until Em's birthday party, so we could share it with everyone at the same time. We wanted a way to tell everyone, without taking the focus from Em's special day, and Chuck came up with the idea of t-shirts with a design that would indicate boy or girl ninja. He has a good friend that designed this image for us...it was definitely a fun way to share with everyone!

2nd--a belly shot--I've been slacking on these as well--here I am today--hopefully I can work on getting some pictures of Em's pregnacy to use as a comparison.

1 comment:
no pics of the actual shirts??? I wanna see your creations ;)
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